As they map the brain in greater detail, they may learn how to diagnose disorders by their effect on anatomy, and perhaps even understand how those disorders arise. On my return trip to his lab ...
Labeled "brain drain" in the countries of origin, this flow of immigrants represents a significant gain of highly trained personnel for the United States. In 1993, 109,760 persons classified as ...
The human brain includes two hemispheres connected by a bundle of nerves. The left hemisphere controls movement for the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere directs the left side.
A new “holistic” brain-mapping platform slashes a process that normally takes between a week and a month to a just few days.
She reads three books nearly daily: How Your Body Works, First Body Book, and Human Brain. We have also had a lot of fun with this interactive human body anatomy figure, which allows her to study body ...
Researchers examined anatomy of neurons from humans, mice and fruit flies. They discovered that the cellular structure of the brain is at a critical point, poised between two phases. New insights ...
Cerebral circulation is the blood flow in your brain that keeps different regions of your brain functioning. If circulation is disrupted, damage to your brain can occur. Although your brain is a ...
The cuttlefish has one of the largest brain-to-body size ratios of any invertebrate, perhaps even larger than that of the octopus. The cuttlefish brain can handle input from a variety of senses ...
These researchers had already found that nearly 70% of newborn baboons, like human babies, had early asymmetry in the planum temporale(PT)area of the brain. The PT, which is also a key area for ...
Anatomy is the field of biology that studies ... well as the relationships between different parts. Models of the human brain’s cortex have been made by combining cells from up to five donors.