Tongue-tie — or ankyloglossia — occurs in up to 10 percent of newborns, according to the Mayo Clinic. (Shutterstock) (Oksana ...
A utility pole in Tempe landed in a pool with kids swimming in it. Thankfully all are okay‼️ An 18” wheeler driving through ...
There’s a reason fun facts are called fun facts. It’s always entertaining to discover a new and interesting or shocking piece ...
In early May, The Spokesman-Review made a call for readers to submit their favorite Expo ‘74 memories. They delivered. Some ...
If by some feat of telekinesis I could have airlifted the glaciers off Rainier’s flanks and mashed them together with every ...
As told by the people who lived through it. Elation. Confusion. And, finally, devastation.
In a Tempe, Arizona, neighborhood last week, a semi-truck hit a low-hanging communications cable that brought down several ...