Just two years after Julius Caesar's murder in ancient Rome, one of his assassins minted a coin celebrating the would-be dictator's death, with daggers emblazoned on its "tails" side. Only about ...
In 49 B.C. on the banks of the Rubicon, Julius Caesar faced ... against whom Caesar fought in Gaul. The Parisii minted this second-century B.C. gold coin. Photograph by Erich Lessing/Album Stung ...
Many senators had been killed in the civil war that brought Julius Caesar to power in 46 BC ... have property worth 1,000,000 sesterces (Roman coins). Senators were also not allowed to become ...
A superb general and politician, Julius Caesar (c.100 BC – 44 BC / Reigned 46 – 44 BC) changed the course of Roman history. Although he did not rule for long, he gave Rome fresh hope and a ...
Marshall, Bruce 2023. ‘Slogans’ on Coins in Julius Caesar's Dictatorship Years (49–44 BC). Antichthon, Vol. 57, Issue. , p. 56. Segal, Noah 2024. Cato as Disruptor: Republican ideology and the ...
Julius Caesar’s proclamation veni, vidi, vici, better known in English as “I came, I saw, I conquered,” is without a doubt ...
I first encountered Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” as many of us do, in my high school English class. I was known as a “theater nerd,” and many of my classmates playfully poked fun at me ...
A Romano-British man and a Celt discuss Julius Caesar and the Roman army's first attempt to invade Britain. They give different information and details about what happened. An animated map shows ...
Everyone is familiar with William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” in some capacity — whether it be through history class or English class — but this familiarity is something Riverside Theatre ...
But Sarah Mesko strides into the role of Julius Caesar and triumphs in it. Such believably manly grace and confidence she brings to it—both musically and as an actor. Slim and oh-so-handsome ...
When Cassius is reassured on this count he reveals his own fear of Caesar’s growing power, probes Brutus’s feelings on the matter, and tries to persuade him that something must be done about ...