The Department of English Language and Literature aims to teach ... and will often work with images and creative walking exercises ("performance writing") in our assignments. You should be prepared to ...
A complete list of major requirements, courses, and a proposed four-year program of study for the Writing and Media major are available in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog. BA in English: Concentration ...
Analyzing the tools authors use to influence their audience is a common assignment in most English or literature classes. Recently, applying such analysis to images is becoming a common task as well.
We are still accepting applications for the concentrations in Arts Writing, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Writing for Children and Young Adults. The Creative Writing MFA does ... or the back copy of the ...
AAA with A in English Literature or English Language and Literature (i.e. not English Language alone), plus a creative writing portfolio. Typical contextual A-level offer AAB, including A in English ...
In 1992, the poet and senior lecturer emeritus Robert Farnsworth established a concentration in creative writing, offering a path of study specifically for English majors interested in practicing the ...
We prepare our graduates to release books with prominent commercial and small-press publishers, and to bring their prose passions to writing for scientific communities ... from American Indian Studies ...
With few writing programs that cater exclusively to students in high school, Smith’s Creative Writing Workshop allows you to explore your writing in a creative and supportive environment. This program ...
The MA in Creative Writing ... closely with local writing groups and writing initiatives. You will work with a professional writer one-on-one as your manuscript develops. Welcomed into the ...
Many creative writing majors pursue MFAs or other advanced graduate and professional degrees at top programs including the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Columbia, Cambridge and Brown. Recent data show that ...
Our prestigious MFA Creative Writing program is designed to help you develop your writing in supportive workshops and literature seminars led by an internationally recognized faculty and renowned ...