Have a passion for art or art history? Love everything about creativity? We have a place for you here. Our nationally accredited program has a full selection of offerings in studio art, visual arts ...
The Visual Arts facility provides 79,000 square feet of space for visual studio art and scholarship. The state of the art building features a visual arts gallery, a large capacity lecture hall, two ...
Located on the first floor of the UW Visual Arts Building, the This & That Galleries are designated spaces that provide undergraduate students within the Art & Art History program the opportunity to ...
This library is heavily used by both art history and visual arts students and is a non-circulating collection, though college faculty can check things out for limited amounts of time, at the ...
An interactive report by the New York Fed reveals that those with university degrees in the arts are most likely to find ...
On the other hand, Performing Arts majors come through at a 5.5% unemployment rate, but lead in underemployment out of the ...
Visual and Performing Arts students and faculty make works of art that connect us with the world. Our programs prepare students to be flexible, creative professionals and strong collaborators. Our ...
To qualify for this competitive internship, candidates must be declared art history majors in their third or fourth year of study and have shown an interest in a career in the visual arts. For more ...
Art history, visual and performing Arts, and graphic design majors nationwide have the bleakest employment prospects across all college majors in the United States, according to data analyzed by the ...
Study of the history of art cultivates a deep ... Such acts of visual expression find diverse articulation across a wide range of media, including architecture, sculpture, painting, photography, ...
Both undergraduate art history degrees provide an excellent interdisciplinary liberal arts education with a sound foundation in the history of visual arts and a strong competence in writing, research ...
Art history credit can also be earned by completing one of several ... Archaeological remains and ancient literary evidence help explore the relationships between culture, the visual arts, and society ...