The weather of June 24 to 28 was a lot more bearable than the week before when it was over 90 degrees. The lower temperatures ...
Refugees are your neighbors Whether you voted Republican or Democratic in the last election, refugees are your neighbors ...
Jewish pro-Israel activist Lizzy Savetsky reflects on Leviticus and how she has been reminded to trust in God during these ...
Finally, these disciplines have been linked to multiple mental and physical benefits. I love a good list. Here’s a litany of ...
A couple of weeks ago a writer at the Federalist blog faulted Dolly Parton for ascribing her loving attitude toward all her ...
The increasingly popular LifeWise Academy will be in 525 schools in 23 U.S. states next school year. Its slogan is “during ...
Ray Ortland shares how recording the entire ESV Bible reawakened him to the incredible power and authority of the sixty-six books that make up our Bible.
(Doesn’t that sound like a good title for a country song ... How, those folks wondered, could you sell “likker” so close to ...
Recently, however, I have declined the tasty peanut butter ... what the “right” answer was but opted instead for honesty and replied, “My favorite Bible verse.” It was so unexpected all I could say ...