Do you go on amazing travel adventures? Besides photos, how are you capturing those memories and reflecting on all the good ...
A gratitude journal is anything that helps you track the things you're grateful for. While it can be a notebook, think beyond the page: It could be an app or even a file on your computer. The type of ...
But the habit fizzled. And so, in January, when a Facebook connection posted about a fill-in-the-blank gratitude notebook called “The Five Minute Journal,” Mr. Noggle immediately ordered it on ...
In 2020, the author of “How to Be an Antiracist” galvanized Americans with his ideas. The past four years have tested them — ...
When you can walk away from a disagreement without feeling the need to say one more thing or get in a last dig, you should ...
As well as thoughtfully written cards, The Hidden Pearl Studio has a gorgeous selection of notebooks and gratitude journals, designed to help you reflect on what you have every day. This one has a ...
A new study found that healthy sleep has a positive impact on gratitude, resilience and flourishing in adults.
I went from traditional journaling for 5 years, to audio journaling every day for a month — and the results surprised me.