(AP) — New research confirms that fossil human footprints in New Mexico are likely ... date ranges — including pendants ...
Their son Richard, born in Kenya in 1944, made his first fossil find at age six -- a part of an extinct giant pig ... Among them were human-like footprints showing a small striding primate ...
Fossil footprints found on the shore of an ancient ... A human was stalking a giant sloth. "The human was walking right behind it," Reynolds said, adding, "and the sloth is absolutely not liking ...
Fossil hunters ... known for its ancient human remains, Mungo National Park also offers a glimpse into Australia’s ...
They're exquisitely tuned to hop quickly across long distances. With super-stretchy tendons and powerful hind legs, and ...
A human footprint left inside a giant sloth’s footprint was discovered ... park staff sought guidance from Bournemouth University fossil footprint expert Matthew Bennett, who visited White ...
An almost metre-long footprint made by a giant, meat-eating theropod dinosaur from the Jurassic ... The Yorkshire coast is renowned for producing some visually and scientifically incredible fossils, ...
Planet Earth is at least four-and-a-half billion years old, with its past inhabitants ranging from ferocious sea monsters and giant winged ... of a 67,000-year-old human. Also finding teeth, fingers, ...
A cutting-edge system called an anaerobic digester allows farmers to turn methane into renewable natural gas that heats homes ...
US tech and retail giant matched electricity needs with power supply deals covering more than 500 wind and solar plants, ...
It’s the best of times and the worst of times for environmentalism and the world’s clean energy future, with great prospects ...
In the heart of Saudi Arabia’s capital, a seismic moment for esports is underway; one which has triggered both excitement and ...