Plasma consists of ionized gases, he says, and changing the gases gives the resulting plasmas different properties. Ardalan is developing a surface engineering technique called plasma-activated ...
For a broad range of industries, separating gases is an important part of both process and product—from separating nitrogen ...
An exoplanet where rain made of glass flies through the atmosphere was hiding another secret: It has an atmosphere that ...
Researchers using the James Webb Space Telescope have discovered that the exoplanet HD 189733 b, known for its extreme ...
Separating gases is a critical process in many industries, from medical oxygen and nitrogen production to carbon capture and ...
A new thought experiment reveals how greenhouse gases can be used as a technosignature in the hunt for aliens.
Solar has emerged in recent years as the fastest growing renewable energy source in the United States, spurred in part by ...
Aerosols, often emitted alongside greenhouse gases, can brighten clouds and cause significant cooling. However, the ...
NOAA and NASA are joining with Colorado on an all-out research blitz across and above the state, in search of ozone and ...
Researchers from China’s Jinan University have outfitted a quadruped robot dog with a mechanized arm capable of taking air ...
A new way to store carbon captured from the atmosphere works much faster than current methods without the harmful chemical accelerants they require.
In chemistry, a chain reaction is a rapid sequence of events in which the products of one reaction become the reactants of ...