Love them, hate them, or utterly loathe them, if you’re going to be performing burpees on a regular basis it’s important that ...
Once you reach full lockout, pause and repeat for a second rep. Pick a cardio machine of your choice, perform sprints outside ...
Lots of people will have tried high-intensity interval training (HIIT) – a workout made up of short, intense bursts of ...
Dropping to the floor to do moves like push-ups and planks, or jumping exercises like burpees, puts extra impact ... The workout is full of compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups ...
Cathy and Todd Fisher spoke about her recovery from a near-fatal bout of neuroinvasive West Nile disease to inspire others ...
Burpee, one of the most well-known gardening brands in the U.S., is prepping to host its annual Burpee Open in Bucks County, ...
Professional life coach and former personal trainer, Kelly Summersett has created a unique fitness opportunity in Sequatchie County.
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“Maybe I’m going to get back to full burpees, sometime,” Fisher said partway through a recent hourlong workout led by Clay Fisher, the youngest of her four sons and a coach and personal ...