Walt Whitman wrote his Fourth of July poem “I Hear America Singing” eight years later. It was published alongside several ...
A blend of the material and the spiritual is the political horizon, and this is also poetry’s arena—but it is not grim. I ...
Mary Stiles found a ragged little flag outside her patio door at Oxford House and was inspired to write a poem about it.
Children have written poetry to be displayed as part of a town's art trail. Cumberland Council commissioned three visual ...
Millennia after the death of Sappho, only 7 percent of her poetry is available to contemporary readers. Researchers are ...
Stephen Yenser, who helped found the Hammer Poetry Series, stands before a bookshelf. A published poet himself, Yenser ...
The poem is a poem about time, two types of time. Continuous time and frozen time. The dog’s time and my life’s time. The ...
Poetry and sport on TV may be the unlikeliest of teammates, but they’re often the perfect match. And during a summer of major ...
Each and every one of us have very different reasons and expectations when walking into the darkened halls of our local ...
Rhyme N Chatt and WanderLinger have gone beyond generating interest in the niche hobby that is spoken-word poetry, fostering ...
Still North Books & Bar held a poetry reading featuring poets Kate Gibbel, Carlene Kucharczyk and Alexandria Hall.
Sumi Na, a poet and women's rights activist based in Butwal, recently published her first poem collection, 'Baagi Streeko Atmakatha'.She is also the editor of the quarterly magazine 'Aparajita ...