NASA scientists have discovered mysterious shapes in the upper layer of the atmosphere. According to researchers, the C and X ...
Some of the world's biggest companies, finance houses, cities and regions have joined forces to urge governments to increase ...
Nielsen celebrated volunteerism and environmental action by recognizing our first-ever Global Volunteer Month, culminating in ...
SOS Children’s Village in Ghana is admonishing authorities and concerned bodies to heighten public education on the adverse ...
China accounts for 98% of EU rare earth permanent magnet imports. EU Commission spokesperson Johanna Bernsel said they could ...
NASA's NEO Surveyor infrared space telescope is moving forward, scheduled for launch in June 2028, in response to the ...
Fervo Energy uses techniques honed in the fossil fuel industry to coax heat from the earth to make electricity.
In Race to Regain Rare Earth Glory, Europe Falls Short on Mineral Goals By Eric Onstad LONDON (Reuters) -Four decades ago, a rare earth processing plant on France's Atlantic coast was one of the ...
LONDON (Reuters) - Four decades ago, a rare earth processing plant on France's ... The EU will struggle, however, to meet most of the goals in rare earths, according to production forecasts ...