A trainer breaks down his best AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) workout to melt belly fat and sculpt a strong core.
The workout is broken up into two 12-minute blocks, the first mainly targeting the upper body and the second mainly hitting ...
A certified strength and conditioning specialist outlines the best strength workout for runners to boost their performance.
As a certified personal trainer, many of my clients come to me with weak knees, and have difficulty doing certain moves such ...
But the benefits of dumbbell back exercises aren't only for beginners. Experienced lifters can also use the implements for effective workouts, right alongside bodyweight and heavy barbell training.
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, incorporating dumbbell exercises into your home workouts can offer significant benefits. Here are ten effective dumbbell exercises to ...
The great thing about standing workouts (apart from the fact they’re great for small spaces) is that not only do you target ...
While the walking lunge stimulates multiple muscle groups, it can be an excellent exercise for working the glutes. Place either a loaded barbell on your back or dumbbells in your hands and perform ...
Just grab two kettlebells (a pair of dumbbells can also work), get some good workout ... This is because kettlebell exercises ...
Unlike a lot of floor core exercises, standing ones are a lot more dynamic, working your muscles ... Here’s your workout: Dumbbell overhead marches – 10 reps (each side) Dumbbell suitcase ...