Step 1: Inhale then slowly glide the dumbbells down the front of your legs as you push your hips backward. Picture that ...
If you want to check your form, film yourself rather than watching the mirror, Trotta says. From a technical perspective, when comparing a dumbbell deadlift to barbell deadlifts, this move might look ...
The session is great for all fitness levels and would make for a good beginner dumbbell workout that will help you get used to the form for exercises like deadlifts while using light weights.
Balance is important at every stage of life, especially for maintaining independence as you age. Try these dumbbell balance ...
Building strength doesn't always need to be complicated or involve fancy gym machines; a simple full-body dumbbell workout ...
A certified strength and conditioning specialist outlines the best strength workout for runners to boost their performance.
Using the Olympics as inspiration, master athletic movements that will improve mobility, build strength and ease aches and ...
Be it deadlifts and weighted squats on legs days, or using dumbbells and kettlebells in a HIIT session, the intense gripping required in all of these can mean exercises take a toll on the hands.
While some classic back-builders use barbells (heavy rows and deadlifts), machines (lat ... compensating on form and exposing yourself to potential injuries. But the benefits of dumbbell back ...