Reverse lunges strengthen the legs and glutes while reducing stress ... Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a ...
Chambers emphasises getting the perfect range of motion and 'really hitting that depth so the hamstrings of your leading leg ...
A fitness expert walks you through the four best dumbbell workouts that burn the most calories and torch unwanted fat.
Just google the word ‘lunge’, for example, and you’ll discover multiple versions of this simple move, including what's called a 'dumbbell reverse lunge biceps curl-to-press' and the 'curtsy ...
And if the lunge is bringing you down, add some walking to the mix. And so it was with great enthusiasm that I took on the ...
But with choice comes confusion, which is why we've kept it simple with our ten best dumbbell based lower-body movements that ...
In the case of knee pain, there’s one simple yet effective exercise I favor to help alleviate pain and strengthen the muscles around your knees: the reverse lunge. Unlike traditional lunges ...
If you don’t have access to a leg extension machine, do walking lunges or reverse lunges instead. Hold a dumbbell in one hand ...
WITH the summer holidays around the corner, you might want to tone up a little in time for bikini season.  Time isn’t ...
Dumbbell Squat: two sets of 12 reps Stand with your feet ... Step back to high plank for one rep. Reverse Lunge With a Knee ...
Stand facing away from bench or box with legs wide, toes pointing forward, barbell resting on upper back (or hold a dumbbell ... lunge, resting glutes on bench. Push through heel of right foot to ...