Middle school students may get inspired about writing if they’re offered exercises that support different methods of ...
For some readers, a story stands or collapses based on its ability to evoke a setting. One respected writer told me and my ...
“I’ve tried to prompt AI to be funny or surprising or interesting or creative, but it just doesn ... and condensing thousands ...
A debriefing with the Vancouver-based author of one of the most impressive (and visceral) new books of the year.
After completing a creative writing degree, I spent 10 years running after-school ... to music with different dance moves when pupils reached the end of a line or paragraph (try it – it’s hilarious!!) ...
Like many companies, we at Flow Communications grapple with the ethics of using AI in our work, which — for us — is creating ...
Reputations rise and fall, often precipitously, as I stressed even then in my lead paragraph: “Picking the winners in ... The minimalist Carver was once the god of creative-writing students, and ...
That puts me up there in the ranks of creative people who’ve spent most of their adult ... And try not to use the same ...
I had a word processor that had no internet but would allow me to make changes to entire paragraphs and keep the document on ...
Writer Ranjan Adiga discusses his debut book, the discipline writers require, and his portrayals of marginalised characters.
You can be as creative as you like ... with the request “write a four-paragraph essay explaining Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.” ChatGPT is capable of automating any number of daily work or personal ...
The creative director of upcoming horror/shooter game Scorn, Ljubomir Peklar, has issued an apology after an update he made to Kickstarter backers last week went horribly wrong.