Our ongoing collaborations with prominent literary agents, with Essay Press, and with the renowned Wyoming Public Radio station provide prose writers with constructive models, with useful contacts, ...
In recent years, the perception of video games has undergone a significant shift. Once viewed as a mere pastime or a waste of ...
For example, most people might look at a photo and give it any title that comes to mind. A creative thinker will look at the individual parts of the photo, speculate on possible context and history, ...
One of the longest, most creative, and most personally revealing essays, “My Essay on Flowers and How Things End” takes the form of an abecedarian, in which each of the 26 sections begins with ...
People are talking about brain rot. Is social media leading to brain rot? TV? Streaming? Internet? Well, consider too whether ...
How to build a 'Structure and Flow' in a good essay? Our expert takes you through the third stage of writing an essay in UPSC ...
Whether or not Ann Arbor’s Bobby Fox, the author of the book "Love & Vodka", ever thought such a dream could come true, ...
We normally expect students to have a First or Upper Second class honours degree or its overseas equivalent in a humanities-based subject area. International, including EU, students (per annum): ...
Having a creative block is an invisible psychological torment ... It scrutinizes certain environments—cities, for example, or coral reefs—and distills general principles about what makes these places ...
Employees are working remotely, and office buildings are standing empty, inspiring some cities to work through the challenges ...
It’s late in the evening, but she’s wearing a pair of chunky onyx sunglasses that hide her piercing blue eyes, eyes that have ...
This essay first appeared in the NPR Music newsletter ... It’s common — you could even say foundational — for artists of all ...