Here are some great ideas to help you feel a sense of gratitude ... will brighten up your day You may also like: Adorable photos of celebrity mums! Just making regular journal entries about ...
the 30-day gratitude journal challenge — even the 30-day floss your teeth challenge — but the one that caught my eye was the ...
Regardless of which letter of the alphabet one applies to one’s self, it connotes a particular behavior. One cannot proclaim L, G, B, T, or Q status without acknowledging the behavior that ...
Try this powerful practice yourself by keeping a gratitude journal and writing down three things you’re grateful for at the end of each day ... Psychology Review, 30, 849-864.
A counselor suggested that Mr. Noggle, 37, try jotting down what he was grateful for each day ... on gratitude walks, and she had attended a couple of silent meditation retreats. The journal ...
With a Lewiston Sun Journal subscription ... PARIS — The first-ever combined OH Rotary May Day Play Day & Touch-a-Truck by Community Concepts, Inc. was held recently at OHCHS in Paris.
At 6:30 a.m., the first ... darling Lissette. One day he went to check on the family farmland, to see how it had fared during ...
A Juneteenth parade will occur Saturday, and parade organizers look forward to celebrating with the community.