In previous years, the day has been celebrated by dozens of local events in institutions ... and proved scientists had the ...
Two asteroids, one of them discovered earlier in June, passed by the Earth this week, a rare occurrence with serendipitous ...
Within 42 hours of each other, the pair of large asteroids, which both have no chance of impacting our planet, will approach ...
Nielsen celebrated volunteerism and environmental action by recognizing our first-ever Global Volunteer Month, culminating in ...
But there are myriad ways in which modern-day people acknowledge Earth's seasonal transit. Depending on where it takes place, a celebration of the summer solstice can look like a baseball game at ...
The summer solstice, the first official day of summer, is here, and here's some deals and events in Metro Detroit to ...
People — brave, kind, resilient people — that is the story of Canada. That's what makes our country the very best place on ...
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected ...
is when the earth's tilt toward the sun reaches its maximum noontime elevation. For everywhere north of the Tropic of Cancer, ...
626 Day is celebrated on June 26th as a nod to Stitch's original name Experiment 626 given to him by evil genius Dr. Jumba ...
The Prince of Wales, 42, stepped out to celebrate the impact of Earthshot ... of Mukuru Clean Stoves Charlot Magayi. Throughout the day, Earthshot Prize Innovation Camp participants heard from ...
The first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere is June 20, 2024, the date of this year's summer solstice. The summer solstice, according to the National Weather Service, is when the earth's ...