Being a caregiver for someone you know and love can be gratifying but also exhausting and frustrating. In some cases, it may lead to symptoms of burnout. Asking for help, getting frequent breaks ...
Typically when we think of caregivers, we picture adults — spouses or grown sons and daughters caring for a partner or parent. But about 5.4 million caregivers in the U.S. are under age 18 ...
At Memorial Sloan Kettering, we recognize caregivers as an important part of the cancer care team. As the family member or friend of someone with cancer, you may find yourself taking on new ...
Caregiver helps a loved one get ready for the day. There are more than 53 million unpaid family caregivers in the United States, who provide 34 billion hours of care each year, amounting to an ...
Day after day, year after year, the struggles caregivers face, both big and small, take their toll. Caregiving for a parent is a kind of role reversal: a dark mirror of the nurture and support ...
As a cancer caregiver, helping someone else is a big part of your daily routine. It can be easy to ignore your own wants and needs, but taking care of yourself is an important part of maintaining ...
She has caregivers for 18 hours a day. Mom insists on logging into financial accounts online — the login info is printed out in her office — and also insists on having access to her statements.
As we look toward the future, one of the most significant and emotional periods many of us will encounter is becoming caregivers for our aging parents. This is something I’ve seen both of my ...
“You should know, I’m not a saint,” she said the first time we met. I assured her I didn’t know any caregivers who were, nor did I expect to meet any. “That’s good,” she said.
They would also like to see a pathway to legal status for parents of children who are U.S. citizens and who have a disability and would face dire consequences if their parental caregiver were ...
Caregivers who are also working full time report turning down promotions or seeking less-demanding assignments. Some switch companies, or say they’ve had to choose care duties over their careers.
Caregivers got a raise from state lawmakers last year but many still leave for other higher-paying state jobs. Laura Lemkowitz assists Jose Montelongo into the Center for Health Care Services van ...