Comics were considered eligible if they were graphic novels published for the first time in 2024 or series that were ...
E ven if you can’t escape rising summer temperatures to more comfortable climes, you can at least get lost in a good book.
Here is a list of the most popular books sold last month at Books Inc. in the Marina: HARDCOVER FICTION 1. Funny Story, by ...
July might also be the best or worst time to read about sharks, depending on your point of view. Either way, Jasmin Graham’s ...
Fraction and Zdarsky craft a genuinely hilarious comic book, with every issue loaded with frenetic ... Obviously not all-age ...
“How to Age Disgracefully” by Clare Pooley ... Lots of people, apparently. And reading them makes for great entertainment.
Nearly all the public commenters who identified themselves as parents of current WCSD students were against book banning, including all but one written public comment sent to the board.
The summertime is the best time for reading, with lots of great books to choose from for every ... are a must-read for all ...
Even in the age of e-books and audio readers, independent bookstores across the country have something stored for every ...
The American Library Association in 2023 documented the highest number of titles targeted for censorship in more than 20 ...
I think many of you will be delighted by the new entry, based on your responses to my recent column about why we did not ...