The story “The Drummer Boy on Independence Day,” which E. L. Doctorow wrote ... It’s a bit long for a kids’ book—about ...
In the new children's book, "The Dawson Legacy," author Kevin McQuarn tells young readers the story of John S. Dawson — and ...
Each day will begin with book reading, followed by three to four themed activities inspired by the book, nature and play.
The summer slide is blamed for elementary age kids experiencing a 20 percent loss of their reading gains. A West Side summer ...
His short story, Emergency Quarters, became a “Best of the Year” finalist in 2021 and this year, a children’s book. “Growing ...
The award-winning actress aims to discourage bullying through lessons taught in the book. The story, which follows Lil TJ on ...
Scott Reister, the KCCI Channel 8 Sports Director, released his first children's book, Baseball Spy, in late April. He held a ...
Nearly 2,400 years ago, Plato worried that stories could corrupt susceptible minds. Moral panics over fiction have been ...
But surely no one should begrudge him the comfort of companionship with an old friend who was supportive of the family. If ...
Sometimes, when it comes to getting children to read, you have to get creative ... It’ll be a one-mile walk on a combination of paved and dirt trails. The book is “On a Magical Do-Nothing Day” by ...
Bindi and Grace are the stars of her new children’s book. (Image: Instagram) “G’day guys! Today is one of the very best days of my entire life. I officially get to share with you my new children’s ...
Any child walking by on Central Street could grab an ice cream and take a seat while guest readers, including TV5′s Brittany ...