30-day wall sit? I’m in. Planking everyday for a month? Bring it. Attempting bodyweight lunges every day for a week? Consider me sold. As a committed exerciser, it can be tricky to find new ways ...
Kang squats are a weightlifting exercise used to build muscle and lower-body strength. Here’s how to do Kang squats and what ...
Mat Pilates is a low-impact method for strengthening your whole body and building a strong core without much gym equipment — ...
This variation of the standard and bodyweight lunges requires a barbell and good strength throughout your lower-body muscles. Regular practice of barbell lunges will help you to strengthen and shape ...
By the end of the workout, your leg muscles should feel pretty cooked and your hips and glutes stretched and lengthened.
Lunges might seem like a simple movement ... one back while bending your knee down to the floor. “Transfer your bodyweight backwards by stepping one leg back, staying on the ball of your ...
1 (each side) long lunge with 10 activations 10 air squats 20 glute-dominant curtsy lunges 20 glute push-throughs 20 lateral ...
Walking lunges will work your balance and co-ordination while pushing ... Slowly step backward off the box and repeat with the opposite leg. Another unilateral bodyweight leg exercise, you'll be ...
WITH the summer holidays around the corner, you might want to tone up a little in time for bikini season.  Time isn’t ...
You don't need a six-pack to feel the benefits of strength training in later life - and it's much easier to do than you think ...