Bipolar disorder is a biochemical, genetic and environmental mood disorder that includes episodes of mood swings ranging from ...
So learning to avoid what sets you off is essential for managing your bipolar disorder. Understanding the Importance ...
As a doctor and a patient, I have experienced the compartmentalization that is necessary to function in both roles. However, ...
June 12, 2024 — Momentary shifts in mood, even those lasting just a matter of seconds, profoundly alter the brain's response to pleasurable experiences in people with bipolar disorder ...
Around 1 in 5 women initially diagnosed with postpartum depression will eventually go on to have a bipolar disorder diagnosis, notes Lauren M. Osborne, MD, a reproductive psychiatrist at NewYork ...
Living with bipolar 2 disorder involves periods of feeling "up" and "down." Hypomanic episodes cause increased energy, poor decision-making, and sleeping too little. Depressive episodes ...
Ketamine can be an effective treatment for PTSD, treatment resistant depression, bipolar disorder , anxiety ... Reading, Math, and Writing. Riverwoods Behavioral Health System offers an adult ...
I view bipolar disorder like epilepsy ... but it can be hard to come by. So the idea in writing this book was that it could be something that would be available to anybody who wanted it.
There is more than one class of psychotropic medications that have mood-stabilizing properties, such as atypical antipsychotics and antiepileptic medications. Mood stabilizers are a group of ...
Writing about all things in electronic dance ... Conversano says he has Bipolar II Disorder and that he has dealt with substance abuse and addiction. He will celebrate five years of sobriety ...