Read on to learn about 7 foods that you should avoid eating on rainy days to escape the risk of heart disease.
Read on to learn about 7 foods that you should avoid eating on rainy days to escape the risk of heart disease.
Atkins, M.D., in the 1960s and published as a book in 1972, the Atkins Diet claims to be an effective diet for weight loss and improving health markers, such as cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Refined Sugar: A diet high in sugar and processed carbohydrates may raise LDL cholesterol levels. Refined Cooking Oil: Avoid oils teeming with saturated and trans fats to control cholesterol.
Coffee is a popular beverage, but you may not want to drink it with foods like citrus or meat. Other foods are fine to eat ...
High cholesterol is a state wherein the blood gets fused with excessive bad (LDL) cholesterol. Consume foos high in Omega-3 like salmon, mackerel, chia seeds, and walnuts in dinner.
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