Work from the assumption that this person is an atheist because he or she simply has not seen any evidence that God exists. 3. Don't quote the Bible, but do know the Bible. The Bible is a source ...
A LEADING academic has warned the rise of popular atheism is threatening the place of religion as a legitimate subject of study in Scottish schools. Professor Robert Davis has said there is ...
New Atheism pleased the Left as long as it stuck ... and then pretend that he has somehow disproven Christianity. Harris, to quote David Bentley Hart once more, “declares all dogma pernicious ...
I read with no small amount of amusement recently a letter stating that atheists have been forcing their beliefs on others for too long (as if atheists are knocking on doors or carrying signs on ...
To quote an R.E.M., one could say Americans are losing their ... The report reveals more than one in four Americans ...
A research study presented at the convention of American Psychological Association showed that great presidents tend to be ...
Sam Harris, the prominent neuroscientist and “New Atheist,” dared to suggest that ... acquaintance with the Koran and the hadith (the sayings and actions of the Prophet Mohammed) would have ...
Anxiety about the threat of atheism was rampant in the early modern period, yet fully documented examples of openly expressed irreligious opinion are surprisingly rare. England and Scotland saw only a ...
A 2-story display of the Ten Commandments discovered on recent tours of a new county jail in Minnesota is drawing criticism from unsettled visitors, according to reports. The new display, along ...
Christian bigotry flares up in response to Louisiana displaying the Ten Commandments in schools, Royal Alexander weighs in.