Place your left hand on a box or bench for balance. This is the start. Keeping your core tight and your shoulder blades ...
There are many changes that occur to a woman's body after the age of 50. One of them happens to be flabby arms, otherwise ...
If you sit all day, your glute muscles can weaken over time. Good mornings are a great way to improve posture and strengthen ...
Like tuning an instrument to get the perfect pitch, this chest and back dumbbell workout tunes your upper body, tightening ...
Then slowly straighten the arms again to bring the dumbbell back overhead. Repeat 10 times. This exercise is a lying overhead tricep extension. Lie down on your back holding a dumbbell in each hand.
Five exercises two reps. Couple more seconds. All right. We're moving on to the narrow row. Same position. Bend at your waist. Back flat. Arms straight down. Pull up. Slowly back down. Keep your ...
Form tip: Avoid letting the mini band snap back to the starting position by controlling the tension. How-to: Start in the ...
making sure your upper arms remain in contact with your torso the whole time. Pause, then bring your hands back to the ...
WITH the summer holidays around the corner, you might want to tone up a little in time for bikini season.  Time isn’t ...
It doesn’t need to be complicated though, you just need a pair of dumbbells and these five simple exercises, that’ll help your arms and back become more defined. This workout targets you back ...
A trainer shares his 11 top exercises to burn belly fat that he always recommends to clients to achieve a more sculpted ...