It’s time for the beginner 30 day plank challenge! This pandemic combined with record heat has meant I’ve been doing nothing in terms of working out. It’s a real mess and I need to step it up and do ...
But how do you go from wanting to be a yogi and reaping those benefits to being a yogi? One way is to participate in a 30-day ...
The app I chose was called "30 Day Ab Challenge" by 30 Day Fit Body ... By the halfway point, I couldn't just do them right before bed or whenever I remembered. It was something I needed to ...
Friendship Challenge Day 5: Be vulnerable with a friend. “Expose myself emotionally” probably wasn’t on your to-do list when you woke up, so here are a few ideas to help you start.
But what you do with your body can have a powerful ... Martin reflects on her experience on the BBC Body Positive 30 Day Wellness Challenge. Gina Martin: Why I'm Taking Body Positive's 30 Day ...
This 30-day yoga challenge is the perfect way to ease yourself ... However you’re feeling about the new year, it’s always a good time to do something for yourself that will make you feel ...
After four weeks of the barre challenge, do I have a dancer’s physique ... but stick with it for 30 days and I promise you it will be worth it, if not for the abs alone. I’m thrilled to ...
Doing the same exercise every day (or even every week) can become boring and make ... And so it was with great enthusiasm ...